Shooting Baby Bumps during the COVID-19 Period
“Sanitize please” I instruct the young couple at the reception as I chuckle. As with every other thing the photographer tells the client, they obey and use the alcohol-based sanitizer on the table. It was their first time in our studio and we were setting a rapport in order to understand each other and get to know what kind of photos are fit for them.
“Your studio is clean…”
The mother-to-be observes as she dances to Simi playing in the background. We engage in chit-chat about disinfecting the workplace, especially in a photo studio where people of all kinds and from all places and walks of life get to interact with almost everything on set in order to get the best shots possible. Social distancing has pushed us to acquire an extra room to be used as a storage bunker for props in order to de-clutter the shooting area therefore providing more space between the photographer and the subject. Her partner is silent all along as she gets to do her facial but nodes in agreement as the conversation deepens. The previous day I was in a heavy Ankara mask and was having a hard time instructing the clients on set so I am impressed that I am not having to repeat myself now that I am in a surgical mask
The set is ready for them and we begin with two ‘skin-tone test’ photos. The shoot is smooth and within an hours’ time since they entered the door and my wife welcomed them with a warm reception, we have close to ten photos if only they can make a decision on which ones not to carry. Before the day is over, I note that the number of baby bump clients has shot up by almost 70% within the last four months that people have been instructed to watch their interactions. It is exciting for me not only because it makes business sense but also because it presents an opportunity for me to be involved in more stories, I get to meet more happy people, people with hope and joy written all over their faces. I feel like that is fulfilling as I execute my duties. For that reason, I call my assistant photographer and let him know that we are making an order for new props for working with baby bumps and he should research the best in so we can give our clients that cutting-edge imagery.
In my career, I have come to realize that children, when they see the photos their parents took during pregnancy feel loved and appreciated from before they were born. This creates a feeling of attachment and love that prevails even during adversity. While it is good for one to document their life moments through photos, baby bumps serve a deeper purpose than any other photo I have taken myself. They expose the most potent moment of life as well as the most fragile of it. Philosophies aside, among the best photos I have shot, baby bump photos that are among the best.
As COVID-19 continues to wreak havoc all over the world, we are also seeing a rise in the number of pregnancies. We are alerting our clients and other potential clients that we are open and practicing all the required precautions as we all joining in the fight to prevent the spread and also eradicate it. We at Skater Photography Studio are looking forward to giving you the best maternity photography experience and products. Let us together work responsibly and stop the spread of this deadly disease.